Regen Food Chats - World Water Day
Come celebrate with us ahead of World Water Day (22nd March). We are creating a beautiful space for making new connections over a vegan feast, followed by a guided conversation with our guest speakers around the question, "How can we restore living waters in Sydney?".

Putting Degrowth into Practice: Film screening and panel discussion
Join us for a public screening of the BBC documentary "Less is More: Can Degrowth Save the World?" and conversation with director Alvaro Alvarez. After the screening we will have a panel discussion connecting the film with local Sydney and Australian initiatives to put degrowth into practice and to influence policy toward regenerative, flourishing futures.

'Purpose' doco screening w/ Katherine Trebeck
Join us for a screening of Purpose - a Wellbeing Economies film, to be held as a part of the Regen Waverley program.
Purpose is a groundbreaking documentary film that follows political economists Katherine Trebeck and Lorenzo Fioramonti as they reimagine economic success beyond GDP. Instead, they focus on systems that prioritise human and environmental wellbeing. Purpose also examines the Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo) project and Italy’s efforts to implement these ideas in public policy.

Ancient Futures and the Religion of Economics
Helena Norberg-Hodge and John Seed come together to share their vast experience and discuss the need for localisation and reconnection. Join us for an evening of insight and dialogue about reorienting our economy, so that it may better serve our profound connections with one another and the living world alike. Whether we connect over food, our shared neighbourhoods or our watersheds we must shift our livelihoods and systems to be more rooted in our local places and to more tangibly honour the responsibilities we hold to each other and the web of life.

Regen Food Chats - World Food Day
This year, World Food Day focuses on the ‘Right to food for a better life and a better future’, emphasising everyone's right to diverse, nutritious, affordable, and safe food—from our fields and markets to our tables.
You are invited to join the Regen Sydney Food Chats to grow a more regenerative local food system for our city. Start by getting your hands in the rich soil of Pocket City Farms and get inspired by three-panel speakers on the theme of World Food Day, all while enjoying a delicious dinner made with locally sourced ingredients.
![Degrowth for Regeneration [Regen Waverley]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60261996c9b3ef613a6f35f8/1727679942971-PO6DTYJ88FBIZGJU1Y0J/Header-01.jpg)
Degrowth for Regeneration [Regen Waverley]
Join special guests Alex Baumann (WSU post-growth lecturer), Erin Remblance (co-founder of re(Biz)), and Gareth Bryant (USYD political economist), with UNSW’s Tommy Wiedmann (sustainability scientist) and Bronwen Morgan (Professor of Law) as hosts, for a vital discussion on sustainability and the urgent challenge we face to create a world which ensures human needs are met without sacrificing a sustainable, inclusive future 🌟
![MAPPING THE NEIGHBOURHOOD [Regen Waverley Workshop]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/60261996c9b3ef613a6f35f8/1723618222806-POLGFXVB7GDMLHPI3QA6/IMG_9741.jpeg)
Join us for an interactive workshop focusing on:
Mapping existing regenerative initiatives and anchor institutions in Waverley
Applying systems thinking and the dimensions of the Sydney Doughnut
Identifying opportunities for alliance-building and gaps in action

OUTGROW THE SYSTEM: Documentary & Discussion
Join us for a film screening of Outgrow the System on Sunday 25th August. The documentary will followed by a discussion, with nibbles included. Come along to learn more and meet other folk - wherever you might be on your journey to regeneration 🌟

REGEN WAVERLEY LAUNCH: Step Into the Doughnut
We are thrilled to introduce you to the new Thinker in Residence program, focusing on creative civic engagement and regeneration economics in Waverley. This initiative brings together innovative heads, hearts and hands so that together, we can strengthen wellbeing in our neighbourhood - Regen Waverley 🌱

Spring Assembly: Sketching a Sydney Doughnut
It's time to reveal a distinctly Sydney-flavoured doughnut! In this Spring Assembly, we will share key insights from the community workshops & roundtables, Regen Sydney's 3 streams of action and ways each of us can support our place(s) to thrive in the years ahead, using the Doughnut as a collective compass.

Regen Sydney Community Workshops
In these Regen Sydney community workshops, you'll meet others in the community and start to sketch out a a distinctly 'Sydney-flavoured' doughnut. You'll be joined by people working on a diversity of projects and initiatives to contribute to the regenerative economy in our city. Your unique skills, knowledge and experience are essential ingredients in generating this vision for a regenerative, distributive and socially-just economy for greater Sydney.

Regen Story Cafe
Join us for a special Regen Story Cafe to explore the 'sticky' question of working across different scales - from neighbourhoods to the metropolis - within Greater Sydney.
We’ll be hearing stories from 3 inspiring people who are working at these different scales, and learning from their experience. Then, we'll have some smaller group discussions to delve into the ideas & themes that emerge, how they might apply as we create the Sydney Doughnut.

In-Person Gathering: Building up the Network
Prepare yourselves! At long last, we’ll be holding our first, real-life / in-person (🥳) gathering to workshop our brightest ideas.
Date: Thursday, 26th May 2022
Time: 5pm-7:30pm AEST
Location: Canva Space at 110 Kippax Street, Surry Hills
Please register through Humanitix here
We'll collaborate to take ideas from the online session and work through how we might be able to build up our network going forward.
What to expect:
Meet up in person @ Canva Space
A brief overview of the report
Deepening the strategy and roadmap
Activities delving into the needs of the network
Help to strengthen the network

Virtual Community Gathering and Report Launch
We warmly invite you to explore this report with us in a virtual Regen Cafe meet-up ☕️
Date: Friday, 20th May 2022
Time: 12:30pm-1:30pm AEST
Please register for the Zoom link here
Let’s activate and have fun with the ideas generated by this report! During the session, we’ll use these ideas as a catalyst to work through our next actions as a network. What roles do you see yourself playing as we move forward?
What to expect:
Meet fellow Regen Syd-ers
A brief overview of the report
Breakouts to delve into key areas & actions
Questions & comments
Help shape what’s coming up in 2022

Community Workshop: Mapping the Movement
Mapping the movement towards a regenerative economy across our city.
In this Regen Sydney community workshop, you'll meet others in the community and contribute to the first Regen Sydney ‘ecosystem’ map, featuring the people, projects and initiatives working towards regeneration in our city. Your skills, knowledge and experience will help take it to the next level!
Online (Zoom), we'll be using collaborative white-boarding tools (Miro), and smaller breakout groups to work on the draft map, with time for discussion and share-back.
Questions we'll explore:
Who is leading and contributing to the movement for regeneration in Greater Sydney?
What’s missing from the first draft?
How could it be better?
How might we make the map more accessible and shareable to the wider community?
Following the workshop:
The findings from the workshop will be shared with the Regen Sydney community and partners. In addition, the refined map may help to support applications for funding to keep the doughnut rolling.
30 people.

The first bite 🍩
Join us in taking the first bite of the Sydney Doughnut
Right now, Sydney-siders are living through some of biggest economic disruption since the Great Depression. As we struggle through an extended lockdown, we are each facing our own unique challenges depending on where we live and the communities we belong to, yet there are two things we cannot afford to do without: hope and creativity.
Hope for our city to once more be a thriving place, home to thriving people, and the creativity to reimagine a better way. So, how might we channel the gravity of this moment, to re-imagine our future story?
By taking a bite of the doughnut, of course!

DEAL Gathering
Join us for Regen Sydney’s first gathering. We’ll be exploring what a regenerative future for Sydney might look like, as well as our role it it, using tools from Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics Action Lab. We’ll also be hearing from the Regen Melb team about their journey so far…
Creating a City Portrait
The City Portrait methodology can be distilled down to a single core question for a city:
How can our city be a home to thriving people, in a thriving place, whilst respecting the wellbeing of all people, and the health of the whole planet?