“Economic localisation is the key to sustaining biological and cultural diversity - to sustaining life itself. The sooner we shift towards the local, the sooner we will begin healing our planet, our communities and ourselves.”

– Helena Norberg-Hodge

What is Regen Waverley?

Regen Sydney is undertaking a 12 month journey with Waverley Council to convene the inaugural ‘Thinker in Residence’ program. Our aim is to elevate the neighbourhood’s sustainability initiatives, activate the soon to be completed ‘Boot Factory’ civic innovation hub, and trial participatory activities.

The program will bring together local residents, businesses, Council and experts, to collectively steer a course towards a Waverley that prioritises social and ecological wellbeing.

Regen Waverley is bringing participants together to further downscale the Doughnut model from the city to the neighbourhood. Guided by the simple question - ‘what does good look like for Waverley?’ - the program aims to shift the collective paradigm from passive consumption towards active citizenship.

Three phases of the program

  • Community Portrait

Collective vision and compass for regeneration

  • Data Portrait

Dashboard to measure progress and identify key opportunities

  • Prototyping

Transition pathways, working groups and concepts for pilots

Phase 1 program plan

Aug-Nov 2024

  • Launch: Step Into the Doughnut

  • Outgrow the System: Documentary & Discussion

  • Workshop: Map existing regenerative initiatives in Waverley

  • Lunch & learn with Waverley Council staff

  • Transition Bondi co-hosted event; panel on degrowth

  • Workshop: Walkshop around Waverley; stories of place

  • Workshop: Draw large scale Doughnut, adapted to Waverley

  • Global Donut Day Festival

  • Community Portrait of Place showcase & celebration

  • Boot Factory opening

Phase 2 program plan


Sign up for upcoming events

If you’d like to stay in the loop and help us to roll the Doughnut in Waverley, please join our WhatsApp group - by scanning the QR code adjacent, or by visiting this link 🍩