Join us for a screening of Purpose - a Wellbeing Economies film, to be held as a part of the Regen Waverley program.
Purpose is a groundbreaking documentary film that follows political economists Katherine Trebeck and Lorenzo Fioramonti as they reimagine economic success beyond GDP. Instead, they focus on systems that prioritise human and environmental wellbeing. Purpose also examines the Wellbeing Economy Governments (WEGo) project and Italy’s efforts to implement these ideas in public policy.
Dr Katherine Trebeck, a globally recognised advocate for wellbeing economies, will participate in a Q&A session via Zoom after the screening.
This screening ties in with the second phase of the Regen Waverley program, as the community of practice seeks to develop and articulate Cornerstone Indicators with local business and Council - cross-cutting measures of wellbeing and regeneration in the neighbourhood.
View more about the film here: